
Análisis Softonic

Un libro completo sobre los principios de la Fiqh

উসল ফকবহফকবহর মলনত is an Android application developed by Bangla Public Library. This free educational app is designed to provide access to the book "Usul Fiqh (Principles of Fiqh)" written by Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen. The app contains all 21 chapters of the book, presenting its pages in a convenient digital format.

With উসল ফকবহফকবহর মলনত, users can easily navigate through the content of the book and explore the fundamental principles of Fiqh. The app aims to make this valuable resource accessible to all Muslim brothers who may not be able to afford a physical copy of the book.

We encourage users to provide their valuable feedback and ratings to support the developer in improving the app and ensuring its usefulness for the Muslim community.

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